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Why It’s Time to Rethink Your Plant-Based Diet

In recent years, veganism has surged in popularity. With increasing awareness about animal welfare, environmental concerns, and health, millions have chosen to go plant-based. However, a darker side of the vegan industry has emerged, as many companies withdraw their plant-based products, leaving consumers wondering: Is this so-called "vegan revolution" built on a shaky foundation?

The answer, unfortunately, maybe yes.

Many vegan alternatives marketed as healthier or more ethical options are far from what they claim to be. Ultra-processed fake meats and other manufactured vegan products are filled with harmful additives and synthetic ingredients that may put your health at risk. These foods often have little to no plant content (and may be far from nutritious, potentially contributing to gut dysfunction and IBS-like symptoms). Instead, they rely on chemical cocktails that have never been properly studied for their long-term impact on human health.

It’s time for vegan consumers to take a stand. Not only are these fake vegan foods unhealthy, but they are also overpriced, and marketed as luxury items while offering no real benefits.

They may also harm the environment, as many ingredients are produced using petrochemical derivatives, while others are responsible for destroying pristine forests and wild animal sanctuaries. This is concerning. In Indonesia, millions of acres of forest have been replaced by palm trees to produce palm oil, which is used in many vegan products.

The real solution?

A return to cooking from scratch with real, whole plants.

Real or Fake? FAKE! It's called FAKE MEAT for a reason!

A quick note: The mention “ALL NATURAL” holds no legal meaning. This is a cleaver term misused by manufacturers to mislead you into believing the product is good for you. Guess what! Petroleum is a “natural” substance, so adding it to your food creates an “all natural” product. So, here you have it!


The Alarming Rise of Fake Vegan Foods

While the growth of veganism should have been a triumph for animal welfare and health-conscious eaters, the reality is more complicated. With every passing year, new plant-based meat alternatives flood the market, but these products aren’t what they seem. Many are ultra-processed, made in laboratories, and contain synthetic chemicals that mimic the taste and texture of meat. From soy protein isolates to methylcellulose, these ingredients aren’t naturally derived and are far from the "whole food" promise that veganism promotes.

But here’s the kicker: the long-term effects of these synthetic ingredients on human health are largely unknown. Despite being promoted as healthier alternatives, many of these products are packed with additives, preservatives, and artificial flavourings that could be toxic when consumed over time.

Pea Protein Sausages. Looks like the real deal, right? That is until you read the label!

A Decline in Fake Vegan Products

Ironically, even with more people adopting vegan diets, several major companies are pulling their plant-based products from shelves. Brands like Heinz, Greggs, and Quorn have reduced or discontinued their vegan options. Why? The simple truth is that consumers are waking up to the reality that these products aren’t what they’re cracked up to be.

Sales of fake vegan meat alternatives have plummeted by 21% in the past two years, according to consumer research. Google searches for “veganism” and “vegan recipes” peaked in 2019 and have declined ever since. People are starting to recognise that the fake meat alternatives they’re being sold are not only overpriced but also devoid of real, healthful ingredients.

The Health Risks of Ultra-Processed Vegan Foods

Ultra-processed vegan foods carry significant health risks. While marketed as "plant-based," these products are often filled with synthetic compounds that can cause more harm than good. Ingredients like soy protein concentrate, industrial oils, and artificial flavours dominate the ingredient lists of popular meat alternatives.

Studies show that a diet high in processed foods is linked to an increased risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, and even cancer. Yet, many of the most popular vegan products are guilty of being over-processed. Consumers, lured by flashy marketing and promises of sustainability, unknowingly consume products that offer little nutritional value and are a major concern for the environment and wildlife.

Many studies comparing the impact of animal farming and fake meat production conclude that fake meat is better for the environment because they produces less warming gases. It is completely insane that today, people still believe those lies. Animals (and human farts, sorry for the expression) are natural gases that are naturally recycled. The toxic emissions of vehicles, planes and factories producing fake meat, and the petrochemical industry generate gases that cannot be recycled. THIS IS THE ISSUE! These compounds accumulate in the environment and have reached critical levels.[1] These will continue to affect human health for millennia to come. THIS IS HOW BAD IT IS!

Let's blame this on the cows!

The Price Scam: Fake Vegan Foods Are Overpriced

Not only are most fake vegan food products unhealthy, but they’re also expensive. Many plant-based meat alternatives cost significantly more than their animal-based counterparts. This price gap is particularly shocking when you consider that these so-called “vegan” products are mostly composed of (extremely) cheap, ultra-processed ingredients.

For example, supermarket vegan sausages or burgers are often a third more expensive than their meat equivalents. Yet, rather than real vegetables or grains, these products are full of lab-made ingredients designed to mimic the flavour and texture of meat.

Plant-based milk contains minimal plant products (e.g., 1-6% nut = 6-12 nuts to one litre of final nut milk). To give the texture and appearance of real milk, manufacturers use thickening agents, including rice and seaweed (e.g., carrageenan, etc.) and various chemicals that often do not appear on the label (because manufacturers are exempt from including ingredients under 0.5% and non-intentionally-added ingredients, which are in the final product as a result of processing methods. e.g., heavy metals, solvent traces, etc.). So your plant-based milk is mainly tap water! MAKE YOUR OWN!

This premium pricing contributes to the notion that veganism is an elite, expensive lifestyle. However, this couldn’t be further from the truth. True plant-based diets, centred around whole foods like fruits, vegetables, legumes, and grains, are affordable and accessible for most people.

Why Real Vegans Should Cook from Scratch

The solution to these problems is simple: Real vegans should focus on cooking with whole, plant-based ingredients from scratch. Whole foods such as fresh vegetables, legumes, grains, and nuts provide the nutrients our bodies need without the harmful additives in fake vegan meats.

Cooking from scratch with real plants supports better health and encourages a sustainable, affordable lifestyle. These whole foods are rich in dietary fibre, vitamins, and antioxidants – essential for preventing chronic diseases and promoting overall well-being.

Synthetic vitamins (produced from petroleum) added to the final product are often unrecognisable by the body and, therefore, serve no purpose to our health. But, manufacturers will never tell the truth because you wouldn’t go near their products designed to be super-addictive.

Ditch the Fake Plant-Based Foods for a True Plant-Based Diet

If you’re committed to veganism for your health, the environment, or animal welfare, it’s time to reassess the types of foods you’re consuming. Ultra-processed fake vegan meats do not align with the principles of a healthy, sustainable diet. Instead, they are part of a corporate scheme to profit from well-meaning consumers by selling overpriced, unhealthy food products.

By switching to a real plant-based diet centred around fresh, whole foods, you can take control of your health and make a meaningful difference for the environment and animal welfare. Avoid the marketing gimmicks and don’t fall for the trap of fake vegan foods pretending to be part of the elite.

Your health and the planet deserve better.

Conclusion: Real Vegans Eat Real Plants

The decline of fake vegan products serves as a wake-up call for the plant-based community. Veganism was never meant to be about ultra-processed, synthetic foods, but rather about nourishing our bodies with the abundance of plants that nature provides. The truth is, real vegans eat real plants.

To maintain a healthy, ethical, and sustainable vegan lifestyle, it’s essential to ditch the fake meats and return to whole, plant-based foods. Not only will you be protecting your health, but you’ll also be making a powerful statement against the harmful practices of the food industry.

Take Action: Embrace Real Food for a Healthier, More Ethical Lifestyle

The rise and subsequent fall of ultra-processed fake vegan foods has exposed a harsh truth: many of the products marketed as “plant-based” are far removed from the healthy, ethical, and sustainable lifestyle that veganism originally stood for. By relying on chemicals, synthetic additives, and artificial flavours, the fake plant-based food industry has misled millions of well-meaning consumers into thinking they were making responsible choices.

But the power to change this narrative lies in our hands. It’s time to reject these overpriced, ultra-processed imitations and return to a diet rooted in real, wholesome foods. A true plant-based diet celebrates nature’s incredible variety and richness – vibrant fruits, leafy greens, nutrient-packed vegetables, legumes, nuts, seeds, and unrefined whole grains – all of which can nourish your body and soul.

The benefits of eating a whole-food, plant-based diet are undeniable. These foods are naturally rich in dietary fibre, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants protecting against chronic diseases like heart disease, diabetes, and cancer. They are good for your health and the planet, supporting more sustainable agriculture that works in harmony with nature rather than against it.

Opt for organic or biodynamic produce – food grown without harmful pesticides, synthetic fertilisers, or genetic modification. These farming methods protect soil health, preserve biodiversity, and ensure that the food on your plate is as clean and pure as possible.

Those choosing to include animal products in their diet, source them from trusted, organic farms that practice humane and ethical treatment of their animals. Conventional factory farming, dominated by profit-driven conglomerates and supermarkets, subjects animals to cruelty and harsh conditions and wreaks havoc on the environment. These industrial systems strip the land of nutrients, soil microbiota and vitality, exploit farmers, and prioritise profits over people and animals.

Supporting organic farms, local farmers’ markets or regenerative agricultural practices allows you to be part of a food revolution that values the life and well-being of animals, farmers, and the planet. When we invest in real food grown by those who care deeply for the land and animals they tend to, we can actively work against the cruel, profit-maximising forces of conventional farming that have sucked the life out of the land and those who farm it.

Your food choices are powerful. You take a stand for your health, the environment, and ethical farming practices, when you reject ultra-processed vegan imitations and choose fresh, real foods

Each time you purchase a fresh vegetable, a piece of fruit, or an organic animal product from a local, trusted source, you are casting a vote for a food system that is fairer, healthier, and more sustainable.

Take Action Now: Choose Real, Wholesome Foods

Now is the time to make a lasting change. The next time you walk through the grocery store, skip the fake vegan meats and head straight to the fresh produce aisle. Fill your basket with nature’s real, unprocessed foods: crisp greens, juicy fruits, and vibrant vegetables.

If you consume animal products, ensure they come from farms where the animals are treated respectfully and raised in humane, organic conditions. When you buy from local farmers or organic brands, you’re investing in your health and the well-being of the farmers who work tirelessly to bring quality food to your table.

Let’s reject the soulless, profit-driven food systems controlled by supermarkets and conglomerates. Instead, embrace a diet that celebrates life, respects the earth, and supports those who truly care about what we eat.

Together, we can shift the food industry back to its roots – one that honours the plants and animals that sustain us, while giving back to the farmers who dedicate their lives to nourishing the world.

By choosing real food, you’re not just feeding your body – you’re feeding a movement that values life, health, and sustainability over profit and exploitation. Now is the time to take action and make the change that truly matters.

Eat real. Live well. Support the planet.


Williams, K. (2024). Why are so many companies withdrawing vegan products? Sky News. Available at: [Accessed 5 October 2024]

1. Sanchez, O. (2023). Detox before Energise: A step-by-step guide to efficiently respond to our modern. London: Nutrunity Publishing.