Detox before Energise.

Do you know what your body does every second of every day?

Your cells, organs and body systems work together toward a unique goal: your survival. Even the tiny microbes you carry inside of you influence your health and are influenced by your environment, diet and your thoughts. Anything toxic to them or you will have severe repercussions, making you deeply unwell in your being.

Your body is working relentlessly to maintain balance and ensure that every cell — and your DNA — is protected from damage. And so, your cells and liver system are constantly working, detoxifying and eliminating toxic substances that can derail their function. But, even detoxification pathways are influenced by all of the above and more often than not our bodies are not able to get rid of deep-seated toxins because of the overwhelming pressure of our modern lifestyle and overexposure to an ever-increasing number of health-wreaking substances. 

Do you suffer from toxic overload? Would you recognise the symptoms? 

Detox before Energise gives you lifesaving strategies to:

● Understand the impact of outdoor and indoor pollution and electrosmog

● Determine your exposure to toxicants and the symptoms of toxic overload

●  Help you eliminate dangerous toxins encumbering your cells and preventing you from ever feeling 100% (and the cause of neuroinflammation)

● Allow natural healing and repairing processes to take place

● Strengthen your immune system 

● Wave goodbye to brain fog, anxiety and mood swings

Detox before Energise provides simple solutions — a step-by-step guide to help you efficiently respond to your environment.  

Take charge because no one will do it for you.

It is time to get ENERGISED!!!

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Detox before Energise