Magnesium and Heavy Metal Detox: Cleansing Your Body Naturally

Today, we are exposed to an overwhelming amount of environmental toxins, especially heavy metals like mercury, lead, cadmium, and aluminum. These toxic metals accumulate in our bodies over time, causing potential harm to our health and affecting our cognition and response to stress — especially when heavy metal like lead and aluminium cross the blood-brain barrier and chronically inflame the brain.

While our bodies are equipped with natural detox systems, they can often become overwhelmed due to the constant exposure to these toxins. This is where magnesium, an essential mineral, steps in to support detoxification. In this article, we’ll explore how magnesium can aid in eliminating heavy metals, the signs you may need detoxing, and how to harness magnesium to support your health and mental well-being.

Why Heavy Metals Are a Health Risk

Heavy metals such as lead, mercury, and arsenic are widely present in the environment, our drinking water, ultra-processed food products, teas, and certain supplements. Their accumulation in the body poses serious health concerns.

Here's why:

  • Nervous system damage:

    The brain is a highly compartmentalised and complex organ, particularly vulnerable to the accumulation of metabolic errors over time. This vulnerability becomes more pronounced with age and is linked to various neurodegenerative conditions, like Alzheimer’s disease (AD), a progressive disorder that primarily affects memory, reasoning, and decision-making.

    Lead, aluminium and mercury, three of the most common heavy metals, disrupt brain function by interfering with the normal transmission of signals between neurones. Over time, it can cause cognitive decline, memory loss, and even neurodegenerative conditions like Alzheimer’s or Parkinson’s. Heavy metals also affect the nervous system’s ability to repair itself, compounding the damage.

    Lead, for example, blocks the release of neurotransmitters that regulate brain function and overexposure is tightly associated with Parkinson’s disease. Mercury, another common toxin, disrupts nerve signalling and can cause neurological damage. Aluminum, the most abundant neurotoxic metal on earth, is repeatedly shown to accumulate in the brain, inflame brain tissue, and significantly contribute to the pathogenesis of Alzheimer’s disease.

  • Chronic fatigue and low energy:

    Heavy metals like mercury and cadmium damage mitochondria, the cellular components producing energy. This leads to low energy, fatigue, and emotional disturbances, including irritability and brain fog. Long-term heavy metal exposure can result in chronic fatigue syndrome. Mitochondria also produce steroid hormones and dysfunction may affect hormone levels, especially oestrogens.

  • Digestive issues:

    Metals like arsenic and cadmium can inflame the lining of your gut, causing digestive discomfort such as bloating, gas, and constipation. These metals also disrupt the balance of gut bacteria, leading to digestive disorders and nutrient malabsorption, which can further exacerbate health issues.

  • Hormonal disruption:

    Heavy metals can mimic hormones in the body, causing imbalances in the endocrine system. For example, cadmium mimics oestrogen, leading to hormonal disruptions that can affect thyroid function, reproductive health, and adrenal balance. These disruptions may result in symptoms such as fatigue, weight gain, or fertility issues.

How Magnesium Supports Detoxification

Magnesium is a powerhouse supporting the body's detoxification processes:

  • Enhancing cellular energy production:

    Magnesium is essential for ATP production — the energy currency of the cell. The liver, the body’s primary detoxification organ, requires large amounts of energy to perform its detox duties, such as converting toxins into water-soluble substances that can be excreted. Magnesium ensures that ATP is available to power these processes, enabling the liver to eliminate heavy metals.

  • Maintaining glutathione levels:

    Glutathione is the body’s primary antioxidant, playing a key role in detoxifying harmful substances. Magnesium is needed for glutathione-producing enzymes, helping the body neutralise free radicals generated by heavy metal exposure. Low magnesium levels result in diminished glutathione production, compromising your body’s ability to detoxify heavy metals effectively.

  • Reducing inflammation and oxidative stress:

    Heavy metals cause oxidative stress, which leads to inflammation. Magnesium reduces the production of pro-inflammatory compounds and stabilises free radicals, preventing them from causing further cellular damage. This anti-inflammatory effect helps mitigate the damage caused by toxins during detoxification, allowing the body to heal and repair.

  • Chelating heavy metals:

    Magnesium itself binds to heavy metals such as lead and mercury through a process called chelation. This binding process allows the metals to be safely excreted from the body, primarily through the kidneys and urine, thereby reducing the overall toxic burden on your system.

Signs You May Need a Magnesium-Powered Detox

How can you tell if your body is overloaded with heavy metals or if you’re deficient in magnesium? Here are some key indicators:

  • Chronic fatigue and low energy:

    Heavy metals disrupt mitochondrial function, impairing energy production at the cellular level. Magnesium is required to restore proper cellular energy balance, so chronic fatigue can indicate a deficiency of this mineral and a need for detoxification.

  • Muscle cramps or spasms:

    Magnesium is critical for muscle relaxation. A deficiency can cause muscle cramps or spasms, especially after physical activity or during stressful periods. This is because magnesium helps regulate calcium levels in the muscle tissues, preventing excessive contraction.

  • Brain fog and difficulty concentrating:

    When heavy metals interfere with neurotransmitter function, cognitive performance can suffer. A lack of magnesium can exacerbate this issue, as magnesium is necessary for optimal brain function. Brain fog, forgetfulness, or difficulty concentrating may all be signs of a magnesium deficiency combined with heavy metal toxicity. Regarding cognitive dysfunction, magnesium may play a small part if you are malnourished or your diet is not based on minimally processed nutrient-dense foods.

  • Insomnia or restless sleep:

    Magnesium helps calm the nervous system by activating GABA receptors, which promote relaxation and restful sleep. If you’re struggling with sleep disturbances, this could be a sign that your magnesium levels are too low.

  • Headaches or migraines:

    Heavy metal exposure and low magnesium levels have both been linked to frequent headaches or migraines. Magnesium helps relax blood vessels in the brain, preventing the vascular tension that can trigger migraines.

  • Digestive issues (bloating, constipation):

    Heavy metals disrupt gut health, often leading to inflammation and constipation. Magnesium supports digestive function by relaxing the muscles in the digestive tract, aiding in bowel regularity and reducing bloating.

  • Mood swings, anxiety, and irritability:

    Heavy metals can throw off neurotransmitter balance, which impacts your mood. Magnesium plays a key role in regulating stress hormones like cortisol, helping to stabilise mood and reduce anxiety. Magnesium deficiency may be to blame if you’re experiencing unexplained irritability or mood swings. You may also be malnourished or have too high levels of blood sugar, leading to highs and energy crashes.

Best Sources of Magnesium for Detoxing

  • Brassicas (spinach, kale, Swiss chard)

  • Nuts and seeds (pumpkin seeds, almonds, cashews)

  • Legumes (lentils, black beans, chickpeas)

  • Whole grains (brown rice, quinoa, oats)

  • Fish (salmon, mackerel)

  • Magnesium supplements (glycinate, citrate, etc.)

  • Magnesium detox baths (Epsom salts)

To support detoxification, it’s essential to increase your magnesium intake. Here’s how you can incorporate magnesium into your daily routine:

  • Brassicas (spinach, kale, Swiss chard):

    These vegetables are some of the richest dietary sources of magnesium. Eating your greens ensures your body receives this essential mineral, promoting detoxification. Chlorophyll contain magnesium at its core, giving it the striking green colour, a substance similar to human blood, which as iron at its core and making it red.

  • Nuts and seeds (pumpkin seeds, almonds, cashews):

    Nuts and seeds not only provide a quick and easy magnesium boost but are also rich in healthy fats, which support cellular health and detoxification processes.

  • Legumes (lentils, black beans, chickpeas):

    These plant-based proteins are packed with magnesium, dietary fibre and antioxidants, helping your digestive system eliminate toxins.

  • Whole grains (brown rice, quinoa, oats):

    Whole grains provide magnesium in addition to supporting digestive health. The fibre in these foods helps bind toxins and promote their excretion through the digestive tract.

  • Fish (salmon, mackerel):

    Fatty fish are excellent sources of magnesium and provide omega-3 fatty acids, which reduce inflammation and support brain health during detoxification.

  • Magnesium supplements (glycinate, citrate):

    If dietary sources are insufficient, high-quality magnesium supplements like glycinate (or bisglycinate, for sleep and relaxation) or citrate (for digestive health) can provide additional support for detoxification.

  • Magnesium detox baths (Epsom salts):

    Soaking in an Epsom salt bath is a great way to absorb magnesium transdermally while drawing out toxins through the skin. The magnesium in Epsom salts also helps relax muscles and promote a sense of well-being.

Liver detoxification phases which rely on magnesium for optimum enzymatic function

Detoxification and elimination of heavy metals from the body are complex processes involving various pathways, organs, and cellular mechanisms. The specifics of detoxification depend on the type of heavy metal and how it interacts with biological systems. Here’s a breakdown of the detoxification pathways and mechanisms for key heavy metals like lead, mercury, cadmium, and arsenic:

1. Lead (Pb)

Detoxification Pathway:

  • Absorption & Distribution: Lead is absorbed through the gastrointestinal tract, lungs, and skin. Once in the bloodstream, it binds to red blood cells and is distributed to various tissues, especially bones, where it can accumulate.

  • Cellular Effects: Lead can enter cells, disrupt calcium signalling, and impair mitochondrial function. It primarily affects neurons by interfering with synaptic transmission and causing oxidative stress.


Lead has a profound impact on the bone matrix, and this effect is significant because bones serve as a major reservoir for lead in the body. Here’s what lead does to the bone matrix:

  1. Storage in Bones:
    Most of the lead in the human body — up to 90% in adults and 70% in children — accumulates in the bones, where it can remain for decades. Lead competes with calcium, and because of its similar properties, it is incorporated into the bone matrix. This happens during both the initial bone formation and through bone remodelling processes.

  2. Disruption of Bone Remodeling:
    The bone matrix undergoes continuous remodelling, where old bone tissue is broken down (resorption) and new bone is formed (ossification). Lead interferes with this process by:

    • Inhibiting osteoblasts (the cells responsible for bone formation), thereby reducing the deposition of new bone tissue.

    • Stimulating osteoclasts (the cells responsible for bone resorption), leads to an increased breakdown of bone. This makes the bones more brittle and prone to damage.

  3. Lead’s Impact on Bone Density:
    The interference with bone remodelling leads to reduced bone mineral density over time. Chronic lead exposure has been linked to conditions like osteoporosis. In children, who are still growing, lead exposure can impair normal bone development and lead to stunted growth.

  4. Lead Release During Bone Turnover:
    Lead stored in bones can be released back into the bloodstream during periods of high bone turnover, such as:

    • Pregnancy: During pregnancy, maternal bones undergo increased resorption to release calcium for the developing fetus. Lead stored in the mother's bones is released as well, which can expose the fetus to lead, posing risks to the baby’s development.

    • Ageing: As people age, bone density naturally decreases, and lead that has been stored in bones for decades may be released, contributing to lead toxicity later in life.

    • Fractures or Bone Injuries: Bone injuries that trigger high bone turnover can also lead to the release of lead into the bloodstream.

  5. Impairment of Calcium Metabolism:
    Lead mimics calcium and competes with it for binding sites in the bone matrix. This disrupts normal calcium homeostasis, critical for maintaining strong, healthy bones. Over time, this can cause weakening of the bone structure, increasing the risk of fractures.


Elimination Mechanisms:

  • Liver & Bile: The liver metabolises lead, and a portion is excreted through bile into the intestines.

  • Kidneys & Urine: Most lead is eliminated via the kidneys and excreted in urine. Increased magnesium intake helps eliminate lead (and cadmium) via urine. Chelation therapy may also be considered after excessive exposure.

  • Bone Remodeling: Lead stored in bones can be slowly released back into the bloodstream, particularly during periods of bone turnover, such as during ageing or pregnancy.

2. Mercury (Hg)

Mercury exists in different forms: elemental, inorganic, and organic (methylmercury), each having slightly different detox pathways.

Detoxification Pathway:

  • Absorption & Distribution:

    • Elemental Mercury is absorbed through inhalation and rapidly crosses the blood-brain barrier, affecting neurons.

    • Inorganic Mercury is absorbed through the gastrointestinal tract and accumulates in the kidneys.

    • Organic Mercury (methylmercury) is mainly ingested through seafood and bioaccumulates in tissues, especially the brain.

Elimination Mechanisms:

  • Liver & Bile: Methylmercury and inorganic mercury are primarily excreted via bile into the intestines. Some mercury is reabsorbed through enterohepatic circulation, making detox slow.

  • Kidneys & Urine: The kidneys play a crucial role in eliminating inorganic mercury. Chelation agents like dimercaptosuccinic acid (DMSA) or dimercaptopropane sulfonate (DMPS) are often used to bind mercury and facilitate its elimination through urine.

  • Brain & Neurones: Methylmercury crosses the blood-brain barrier and can disrupt neural function. Glutathione (GSH) and selenium are important in detoxifying mercury from neurones by binding and neutralising it, although this process is slow.

3. Cadmium (Cd)

Detoxification Pathway:

  • Absorption & Distribution: Cadmium is mainly absorbed through inhalation (smoking) and ingestion (contaminated food). It binds to metallothionein, a protein in the liver, and is distributed to the kidneys, liver, and bones.

  • Cellular Effects: Cadmium interferes with calcium and zinc metabolism, damaging mitochondria and inducing oxidative stress, particularly in the kidneys.

Elimination Mechanisms:

  • Kidneys & Urine: The kidneys are the primary site of cadmium accumulation and damage. Most cadmium is eliminated through urine, although it has a long half-life (10-30 years in the body). The kidneys slowly excrete cadmium bound to metallothionein, but renal damage may reduce this capability.

  • Liver & Feces: A smaller portion of cadmium is excreted through bile and into faeces.

  • Bone & Storage: Cadmium is also stored in bones, contributing to osteoporosis, but bone remodelling plays a limited role in elimination.

4. Arsenic (As)

Detoxification Pathway:

  • Absorption & Distribution: Arsenic is absorbed through the gastrointestinal tract, skin, and lungs, depending on its form (organic or inorganic arsenic). Once in the bloodstream, it is distributed to tissues like the liver, kidneys, skin, and nervous system.

  • Cellular Effects: Arsenic interferes with cellular respiration by inhibiting mitochondrial enzymes, particularly in neurons and other metabolically active cells.

Elimination Mechanisms:

  • Liver & Methylation: The liver plays a key role in arsenic detoxification through methylation. Methylated arsenic compounds are less toxic and are more easily excreted.

  • Kidneys & Urine: Most arsenic is eliminated through urine, particularly the methylated forms. Arsenic excretion occurs fairly rapidly compared to other heavy metals.

  • Chelation Therapy: Dimercaprol (BAL) or DMPS are sometimes used to accelerate the removal of arsenic from the body.

5. Aluminium (Al)

Absorption and Distribution

  • Absorption: Aluminium enters the body primarily through ingestion (contaminated food or water), inhalation (industrial exposure, dust), and skin contact (in some cosmetics or antiperspirants). Only a small percentage of ingested aluminium is absorbed in the gut, but it is more efficiently absorbed in the lungs or through intravenous exposure.

  • Distribution: Once absorbed, aluminium binds to proteins such as transferrin (which normally transports iron) and is distributed throughout the body, particularly to the bones, brain, liver, and kidneys.

Detoxification Pathway:

  • Kidney Excretion

    The kidneys are the primary organ responsible for eliminating aluminium from the body. After aluminium is absorbed and circulates in the bloodstream, it is filtered through the kidneys and excreted in urine. However, in cases of kidney dysfunction or prolonged exposure, the body’s ability to remove aluminium efficiently decreases, leading to accumulation.

  • Liver and Bile

    A smaller fraction of aluminium is eliminated via the liver, where it is excreted into bile and passes into the intestines for elimination through faeces.

  • Chelation Therapy

    Chelating agents such as deferoxamine are sometimes used to enhance the excretion of aluminium, particularly in cases of aluminium toxicity. These agents bind to aluminium and increase its removal through urine.

Specific Effects of Aluminium on the Body

  • Aluminium and the Brain

  • Neurotoxicity: Aluminium is well known for its neurotoxic effects. Once it crosses the blood-brain barrier (BBB), it accumulates in the brain, particularly in neurons and glial cells. It interferes with neurological function by promoting oxidative stress, increasing inflammation, and impairing cellular communication.

  • Link to Alzheimer's Disease: Aluminium accumulation in the brain has been controversially associated with Alzheimer’s disease (AD). Although the connection is still debated, studies suggest that aluminium contributes to the formation of beta-amyloid plaques and neurofibrillary tangles, which are hallmark features of Alzheimer's.

  • Cellular Mechanism: Aluminium disrupts mitochondrial function in neurons, reduces ATP production, and causes oxidative damage, leading to neuronal cell death. Once deposited in the brain, aluminium is difficult to remove, exacerbating its long-term effects.

  • Aluminium and Bones

  • Bone Storage: Like lead, a significant portion of aluminium accumulates in bones, where it interferes with bone metabolism. Aluminium can replace calcium in the bone matrix, leading to altered bone mineralisation and structural weakness.

  • Bone Diseases: Long-term exposure to aluminium, especially in individuals with kidney disease, can lead to osteomalacia (softening of the bones). In this condition, aluminium inhibits normal bone formation by disrupting osteoblast function and preventing proper calcium deposition.

  • Increased Bone Fragility: Aluminium accumulation in bones reduces their density and strength, making them more prone to fractures. Similar to lead, aluminium stored in bones can be released during periods of bone resorption, contributing to increased blood levels.

  • Aluminium and the Immune System

  • Pro-inflammatory Effects: Aluminium has been shown to stimulate the immune system, promoting inflammation. This is why aluminium is used in some vaccines as an adjuvant to boost immune responses. However, chronic exposure or accumulation can cause systemic inflammation, which may contribute to autoimmune disorders.

  • Aluminium in Vaccines: Aluminium-based adjuvants in vaccines are generally considered safe in controlled amounts, but concerns have been raised about cumulative exposure through vaccines, environmental sources, and other products.

How Aluminium is Eliminated from the Body

  • Urinary Excretion: As mentioned, most absorbed aluminium is excreted through the kidneys. However, if kidney function is impaired, aluminium may accumulate to toxic levels.

  • Faecal Excretion: Some aluminium is excreted in bile and passes through the intestines. Because gastrointestinal absorption of aluminium is limited, some of it is naturally expelled through faeces.

  • Chelation: In cases of aluminium toxicity, chelation therapy can assist in removing aluminium from the body. Deferoxamine, a chelator used for iron overload, is also effective at binding aluminium, especially in cases of dialysis-related toxicity.

Heavy metals compete with magnesium for absorption in the small intestine and brain, and so — as well as depleting magnesium —, heavy metal intake will be reduced if we consume enough magnesium-rich foods and if enough magnesium is absorbed by the small intestine.
— Olivier Sanchez

Common Detoxification Mechanisms Across Heavy Metals

  1. Glutathione (GSH):
    Glutathione is one of the body's primary antioxidants and detoxifiers. It binds to heavy metals, making them more water-soluble, which allows for their elimination via bile or urine. GSH is crucial for detoxifying mercury and arsenic and also plays a role in managing oxidative stress induced by lead and cadmium.

  2. Chelation Therapy:
    Chelation agents like EDTA, DMSA, and DMPS bind to heavy metals and form complexes that are more easily excreted through urine. Chelation is commonly used for lead, mercury, and arsenic detoxification. Since they can also deplete essential minerals, chelation therapies should only be done by a healthcare provider.

  3. Metallothionein Proteins:
    Metallothioneins are cysteine-rich proteins that bind to heavy metals like cadmium and mercury, reducing their toxicity. These proteins help store and transport metals within cells, but when overwhelmed, they can cause cellular damage.


Different heavy metals follow specific pathways for detoxification and elimination in the body, primarily involving the liver, kidneys, and cells' natural antioxidant systems like glutathione. Some, like mercury, have a strong affinity for neurons, while others, like lead and cadmium, accumulate in bones or kidneys.

Supporting detox pathways involves boosting liver and kidney function, increasing antioxidant capacity (especially glutathione), and in some cases, using chelation therapy to facilitate removal from the body.

Safely Detox with Our 30-Day Reset Programme

Our 30-Day Reset programme is designed to guide you through a comprehensive and personalised detox experience and help you reconnect with food. Here’s how it works:

  • Personalised Detox Plan:

    We create a detox plan tailored to your unique health needs. This ensures that your detox journey is both effective and safe, based on your current health status and any potential heavy metal exposure. We use an elimination diet to remove allergens, foods you may be hypersensitive or intolerant to, and all ultra-processed manufactured food products.

  • Magnesium-Rich Meal Plans:

    We provide you with meal plans packed with magnesium-rich foods, ensuring your body has the necessary nutrients to support detoxification.

  • Supplement Recommendations:

    Our experts may recommend the best forms of magnesium supplements and other supportive nutrients to enhance your detox results.

Discover how our 30-Day Reset Program can guide you toward better health. Book a consultation today and take the first step toward a healthier, toxin-free life.


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