The Potential Benefits of Intermittent Fasting for Longevity and Disease Prevention

Intermittent fasting (IF) has gained substantial attention not only as a tool for weight management but also for its potential to promote longevity and prevent chronic diseases. By periodically restricting food intake, IF can trigger various biological processes that enhance health and may extend lifespan.

Mechanisms of Intermittent Fasting in Promoting Longevity

1. Cellular Autophagy

  • Process: Autophagy is a cellular cleaning mechanism where the body removes damaged cells and regenerates new ones. It is particularly enhanced during longer fasting periods (5 days minimum). Water fast offers the greatest benefits, although you may want to do juice or bone broth fast.

  • Benefits for Longevity: Autophagy helps maintain cellular health, potentially slowing ageing and reducing the risk of age-related diseases. Research by Levine and colleagues (2017) highlights the role of autophagy in removing defective proteins and organelles, which is crucial for cellular rejuvenation and longevity.[1,2]

2. Hormonal Balance

  • Process: Fasting increases the production of hormones such as human growth hormone (HGH) and norepinephrine.

  • Benefits for Longevity: Higher HGH levels promote muscle preservation and fat metabolism, while norepinephrine increases metabolic rate and energy levels, contributing to a healthier, more active lifestyle as one ages. Studies show that intermittent fasting can significantly increase HGH levels by up to 1,300% in women and 2,000% in men.[3,4]

When fasting causes hunger or stress, the body responds by releasing more cholesterol, encouraging it to burn fat instead of glucose as fuel and decreasing the number of fat cells in the body.
— Kellyann Petrucci, M.S.

Metabolic Flexibility

Metabolic flexibility refers to the body's ability to adapt fuel oxidation to fuel availability. This means the body can efficiently switch between burning carbohydrates and fats for energy depending on what's available from the diet and stored energy reserves. Fasting can significantly enhance metabolic flexibility through several mechanisms:

1. Enhanced Fat Oxidation

During fasting, insulin levels drop significantly. Insulin is a hormone that promotes glucose uptake and inhibits fat breakdown. When insulin levels are low, the body can more easily access fat energy stores, increasing fat oxidation. This shift from carbohydrate to fat utilisation enhances the body's ability to burn fat when carbohydrate stores are low.


  • Low Insulin Levels: Decreased insulin levels during fasting reduce the inhibition of lipolysis, allowing stored triglycerides to be broken down into free fatty acids (FFAs).

  • Increased Fatty Acid Availability: FFAs are transported to the mitochondria, where they undergo β-oxidation to produce acetyl-CoA, which enters the citric acid cycle (TCA cycle) to generate ATP.

2. Improved Mitochondrial Function

Fasting can lead to the formation of new mitochondria (mitochondrial biogenesis) and improve the function of existing mitochondria. Enhanced mitochondrial function is crucial for metabolic flexibility, as it allows cells to efficiently switch between burning fats and carbohydrates.


  • AMPK Activation: Fasting activates AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK), a cellular energy sensor that promotes mitochondrial biogenesis and enhances fatty acid oxidation.

  • PGC-1α Expression: AMPK activation increases the expression of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-gamma coactivator (PGC-1α), a key regulator of mitochondrial biogenesis.

3. Increase in Ketogenesis

Prolonged fasting leads to the production of ketone bodies (ketogenesis) in the liver. Ketone bodies serve as an alternative energy source, particularly for the brain and muscles when glucose is scarce. This adaptation not only provides a steady energy supply during periods of low carbohydrate intake but also trains the body to switch between using glucose and ketones efficiently.

Metabolic pathways and ketones production and utilisation. (illustration by Olivier Sanchez. Extracted from “Energise - 30 Days to Vitality.” All rights reserved)


  • Ketone Body Production: In the liver, acetyl-CoA from fatty acid oxidation is converted into ketone bodies (acetoacetate, β-hydroxybutyrate, and acetone).

  • Ketone Utilisation: Ketone bodies are transported through the bloodstream to other tissues, where they are converted back to acetyl-CoA and used for ATP production in the mitochondria.

Intracellular energy pathway, mitochondrial ATP production, and ketone bodies synthesis from Acetyl CoA. (illustration by Olivier Sanchez. All rights reserved)

4. Enhanced Insulin Sensitivity

Fasting improves insulin sensitivity, meaning that cells respond more effectively to insulin and can better regulate blood glucose levels. Improved insulin sensitivity helps the body switch between using glucose and fats more efficiently.


  • Reduced Inflammation: Fasting decreases systemic inflammation, which is associated with improved insulin signalling pathways.

  • Improved GLUT4 Translocation: Enhanced insulin sensitivity increases glucose transporter type 4 (GLUT4) translocation to the cell membrane, facilitating glucose uptake by muscle cells.

5. Autophagy and Cellular Renewal

Fasting induces autophagy, a cellular cleanup process that removes damaged organelles and proteins. This renewal process can improve cellular function and energy efficiency, improving metabolic flexibility.


  • Autophagy Activation: Fasting activates autophagy through the inhibition of the mTOR pathway and activation of AMPK. Autophagy clears damaged mitochondria (mitophagy), promoting mitochondrial health and function.

  • Cellular Repair: Autophagy helps maintain cellular homeostasis by degrading and recycling cellular components, ensuring optimal function of metabolic pathways.

6. Hormonal Adaptations

Fasting induces several hormonal changes that support metabolic flexibility. For example, the increase in growth hormone levels during fasting helps preserve lean muscle mass and promotes fat utilisation.


  • Increased Growth Hormone: Fasting stimulates the secretion of growth hormone, which enhances lipolysis and the use of fatty acids for energy.

  • Glucagon and Catecholamines: Elevated levels of glucagon and catecholamines (adrenaline and noradrenaline) during fasting promote glycogenolysis and lipolysis, mobilizing energy stores.

Research Findings

1. Enhanced Fat Oxidation

  • A study published in Obesity found that intermittent fasting (IF) increased fat oxidation and decreased body fat percentage in participants, improving metabolic flexibility.[5]

2. Mitochondrial Function

  • Study: Research in Cell Metabolism demonstrated that fasting-induced AMPK activation enhanced mitochondrial biogenesis and function in mice.[6]

3. Ketogenesis

  • A study in The Journal of Clinical Investigation showed that prolonged fasting increased ketone body production, providing an alternative energy source and enhancing metabolic flexibility.[7]

4. Insulin Sensitivity

  • Study: Research published in Diabetes Care found that intermittent fasting improved insulin sensitivity and reduced markers of inflammation in overweight and obese individuals.[8]

5. Autophagy

  • A study in Autophagy highlighted that fasting-induced autophagy improved cellular and metabolic health, contributing to enhanced metabolic flexibility.[9]

Fasting for even short periods can increase your metabolic flexibility, which is your ability to switch between burning sugar and burning fat.
This is important because when you’re metabolically flexible, you don’t ‘crash and burn’ when you go for a long time between meals.
— Kellyann Petrucci, M.S.

Reduced Inflammation and Oxidative Stress

  • Process: Intermittent fasting lowers levels of inflammation and oxidative stress markers.

  • Benefits for Longevity: Chronic inflammation and oxidative stress are linked to numerous diseases, including heart disease, cancer, and neurodegenerative conditions. Reducing these factors can enhance overall health and longevity. Research indicates that fasting reduces levels of pro-inflammatory cytokines and oxidative stress markers like C-reactive protein (CRP).[10,11]

Intermittent fasting may lead to various physiological beneficial effects, such as weight loss, improved insulin sensitivity, reduced inflammation, increased cell repair, improved cardiovascular and cognitive health, changes in hormone production, and enhanced immune system functionality.
— Luis Ignacio Garegnani. Director at Instituto Universitario Hospital Italiano Cochrane Associate Centre.

Disease Prevention through Intermittent Fasting

1. Cardiovascular Health

  • Impact: Intermittent fasting improves several cardiovascular risk factors, including blood pressure, cholesterol levels, triglycerides, and inflammatory markers.

  • Prevention: By optimising these parameters, IF may help reduce the risk of developing heart disease, the leading cause of death worldwide. A study published in the Cell Biochemistry and Biophysics found that intermittent fasting reduced LDL cholesterol and blood pressure, improving heart health.[10]

2. Type 2 Diabetes

  • Impact: Fasting improves insulin sensitivity and reduces blood sugar levels.

  • Prevention: Improved insulin sensitivity is key to prevent the onset of type 2 diabetes and can even aid in managing the condition.[12] According to a review in Obesity Reviews, intermittent fasting can significantly improve insulin sensitivity and reduce fasting insulin levels.

Intermittent fasting diets have certain therapeutic effects on blood glucose and lipids in patients with metabolic syndrome and significantly improve insulin resistance. It may be considered as an auxiliary treatment to prevent the occurrence and development of chronic diseases.
— Xiaojie Yuan. et al. Department of Clinical Nutrition, First Hospital of Jilin University, Changchun, China

3. Cancer

  • Impact: Fasting can influence pathways involved in cell growth and repair, such as mTOR and IGF-1.

  • Prevention: By modulating these pathways, intermittent fasting may reduce the risk of cancer development. Studies have shown that IF can decrease the incidence of spontaneous tumours and improve chemotherapy outcomes. For instance, different studies found that fasting cycles retard the growth of tumours and sensitise cancer cells to chemotherapy.[4,13-15]

Fasting forces healthy cells to enter a slow division and highly protected mode that protects them against toxic insults derived from anticancer drugs while sensitizing different types of cancer cells to these therapeutics.
— Alessio Nencioni. et al. Department of Internal Medicine and Medical Specialties, University of Genoa, Italy

4. Neuroprotection

  • Impact: Fasting enhances brain health through the production of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) and promotes neurogenesis.

  • Prevention: These effects can help protect against neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer's and Parkinson's. Improved mitochondrial function and reduced oxidative stress also support brain health and cognitive function. Research indicates that intermittent fasting can protect against age-related neurodegenerative diseases .

    Since Alzheimer’s disease is also widely known as diabetes type 3, it makes sense to reduce calorie intake and use intermittent fasting as a preventative tool as part of a healthy lifestyle.[16-19]

5. Gut Health

  • Impact: Fasting allows the gut to rest and repair, promoting a healthy microbiome.

  • Prevention: A balanced gut microbiome is crucial for immune function and preventing inflammatory diseases. IF can improve gut barrier function and reduce the risk of gastrointestinal disorders. Studies show that intermittent fasting can enhance gut microbiota composition, increasing beneficial bacteria while reducing pathogenic and opportunistic ones .

Longevity Studies and Evidence

1. Animal Studies

  • Findings: Research on rodents has shown that intermittent fasting can extend lifespan by 10-20%. These studies highlight the role of fasting in reducing metabolic disease and enhancing cellular repair mechanisms. For example, a study by Mattson et al. (2017) demonstrated that intermittent fasting extends lifespan and reduces the incidence of diseases in animal models.[20]

  • Implications: While human studies are still ongoing, these findings provide a promising outlook on the potential for IF to extend human lifespan.

2. Human Studies

  • Findings: Although long-term human studies are limited, short-term trials have shown significant improvements in markers associated with longevity, such as reduced inflammation, improved metabolic health, and enhanced cellular repair.[21] The New England Journal of Medicine published a review summarizing that intermittent fasting can improve biomarkers of disease, reduce oxidative stress and inflammation, and increase resistance to stress.[22]

  • Implications: These benefits suggest that intermittent fasting could be a viable strategy for promoting a longer, healthier life.

Intermittent fasting (IF) is an eating pattern in which individuals go extended periods with little or no energy intake after consuming regular food in intervening periods. IF has several health-promoting effects. It can effectively reduce weight, fasting insulin levels, and blood glucose levels. It can also increase the antitumor activity of medicines and cause improvement in the case of neurological diseases, such as memory deficit, to achieve enhanced metabolic function and prolonged longevity. Additionally, IF activates several biological pathways to induce autophagy, encourages cell renewal, prevents cancer cells from multiplying and spreading, and delays senescence.
However, IF has specific adverse effects and limitations when it comes to people of a particular age and gender.
— Simin Liu. et al. College of Pharmacy, Hubei University of Chinese Medicine, Wuhan, China


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Drawbacks of Intermittent Fasting: A Complete Review


Understanding Autophagy: Mechanisms and Benefits