35 Essential Healthy Habits for a Better Life: Daily Tips for Wellness and Vitality

Healthy Habits

Healthy habits are essential to achieving your fitness and wellness goals. Adopting healthy habits can sometimes be challenging, requiring a shift in mindset and a dose of self-discipline. However, with the right approach, anyone can incorporate daily habits into their lifestyle. Whether your goals are related to fitness levels, body weight, or mental wellness, your focus should be on healthy habits.

Below, we outline 35 healthy habits for you to choose from.

The Process of Forming Healthy Habits

Stages of Changing a Health Behaviour

  1. Contemplation: Thinking about making a change but not ready to start.

  2. Preparation: Deciding on lifestyle changes and planning steps to take.

  3. Action: Starting to make changes and adjusting to a new routine.

  4. Maintenance: Keeping up new habits for six months or more, navigating ups and downs. Typically, it takes around 90 days to set new habits. So keep at it for the best results. Consistency is key; however, keeping the end vision in mind will provide the motivation you may need. So be sure of your motivations and that they are in line with your core values and beliefs.

Moving from contemplation to action involves setting a schedule, tracking progress, rewarding yourself, adding variety, and showing self-compassion. Research suggests it can take 18 to 254 days to form a new habit, with an average of 90 days for it to become automatic.

Daily Habits for Physical Health

1. Hydrate Yourself Every Morning

Start your day with a large glass of water to stay hydrated and support bodily functions like nutrient transport, temperature regulation, and joint lubrication.


  • Keep a glass or bottle of water by your bedside.

  • Add a slice of lemon or cucumber for flavour.

  • Aim for at least 8 glasses of water a day.

2. Eat a Nutritious Breakfast

Replenish your energy supplies with a balanced breakfast rich in fibre, protein, and vitamins. It will also help mitigate cortisol levels and stabilise your energy levels throughout the day.


  • Include whole grains, lean proteins, and fruits.

  • Avoid sugary cereals and pastries.

  • Try overnight oats, Greek yoghurt with berries, or a veggie omelette

While skipping breakfast may work for some individuals, it's important to consider individual preferences, lifestyle, and health goals. Some people find intermittent fasting fits their routine well and helps with weight management or other health objectives. However, skipping breakfast may not be advisable for others, particularly those with specific dietary needs or medical conditions.

Individuals following a ketogenic diet and/or intermittent fasting may find that eating a later breakfast (extending their overnight fast) helps them with their health goals. Remember that fat may take up to 15 hours to be digested, and supporting your liver is essential.

3. Have a Cup of Green Tea

Rich in polyphenols and catechins, green tea can improve brain function, increase fat burning, and promote weight loss.


  • Enjoy green tea in the morning or as an afternoon pick-me-up.

  • Avoid adding sugar; use honey or lemon for flavour if needed.

  • Opt for high-quality, loose-leaf green tea for the best benefits.

A cup of green tea is great with breakfast or mid-morning to help you with energy, a bit like coffee but without the jitters.

4. Move Your Body Throughout the Day

Incorporate regular movement into your day to improve mental and physical health. Simple activities like taking the stairs or short walks can make a big difference.


  • Set a timer to remind you to stand up and stretch every hour.

  • Take a walk during your lunch break.

  • Use a standing desk or take walking meetings.

5. Plan Your Meals in Advance

Meal planning helps maintain a healthy diet and avoid the temptation of fast food, allowing you to set regular meal times and remove the stress from grocery shopping, cooking and eating.


  • Set aside time each week to plan and prep your meals.

  • Make a grocery list to ensure you have all the necessary ingredients.

  • Cook in batches and freeze portions for quick meals.

6. Limit Artificial Foods

Focus on whole foods with minimal processing to avoid overeating, weight gain and metabolic problems, brain fog, and allow you to jump out of the frantic energy rollercoaster.


  • Read labels to avoid foods with added sugars and chemical preservatives.

  • AVOID THE WHITE STUFF and anything non-food products that come in plastic (think biscuits, margarine, chocolates and sweets).

  • Shop for fresh produce, meats, and dairy.

  • Prepare meals at home using fresh ingredients.

7. Replace Sugary Drinks with Water

Avoid empty calories from sugary drinks by sticking to water. AVOID fruit juices packed with added sugar and artificial sweeteners (often added together to make the product addictive and more palatable. If you knew what was inside, you would never go near it!).


  • Carry a reusable glass/stainless steel water bottle with you.

  • Infuse water with fruits, vegetables or herbs for added flavour.

  • Gradually reduce your intake of sugary drinks to ease the transition.

Mental and Emotional Wellness Habits

8. Limit Your Screen-Time

Reducing screen time can improve mental health, reduce eye strain, and improve sleep quality.


  • Set specific times for checking emails and social media. NEVER CHECK EMAILS AT BEDTIME!

  • Take regular breaks from screens to rest your eyes.

  • Establish a screen-free time before bed to improve sleep.

9. Practice Mindfulness

Mindfulness helps you stay present, reduce stress, and enhance emotional well-being.


  • Start with a few minutes of mindful breathing each day.

  • Use apps for guided meditations if needed.

  • Practice mindfulness during daily activities, such as eating or walking.

10. Write Down Your Goals

Writing goals helps clarify your intentions and increase the likelihood of achieving them.


  • Use a journal or planner to outline your goals.

  • Break down larger goals into smaller, manageable steps.

  • Review and adjust your goals regularly to stay on track.

11. Practice Gratitude

Regularly acknowledging what you're thankful for can increase happiness and reduce stress.


  • Keep a gratitude journal and write down three things you're grateful for each day.

  • Express gratitude to others through notes or verbal appreciation.

  • Reflect on positive experiences before bed to end the day on a good note. Remember the last thought on your mind as you go to sleep will be the first thought in your mind as you wake up.

12. Keep on Learning

Learning new skills increases confidence and provides a sense of purpose.


  • Take up a new hobby or revisit an old one.

  • Enroll in online courses or attend workshops.

  • Read books or listen to podcasts on topics of interest.

Nutrition and Dietary Habits

13. Eat a Rainbow of Foods

Consuming a variety of colourful fruits and vegetables ensures a range of nutrients and antioxidants.


  • Aim to include at least five different colours in your meals each day.

  • Try new fruits and vegetables to keep your diet interesting.

  • Vary cooking methods to enjoy different textures and flavours, and preserve nutrients.

14. Differentiate Between Cravings and Hunger

Learn to recognise true hunger versus cravings to avoid unnecessary snacking.


  • Drink a glass of water and wait 10 minutes to see if you’re hungry.

  • Keep healthy snacks on hand to satisfy true hunger.

  • Practice mindful eating to understand your body’s signals.

15. Cook Your Meals from Scratch

Cooking at home helps control ingredients and portion sizes, promoting healthier eating.


  • Experiment with new recipes to keep meals exciting.

  • Use fresh, whole ingredients whenever possible.

  • Involve family members in meal preparation for a fun, shared activity.

16. Fuel Your Body with Complex Carbs

Opt for complex carbs like organic whole grains over refined ones for sustained energy. KEEP AWAY FROM THE WHITE STUFF!


  • Choose whole grains and seeds such as brown rice, quinoa, buckwheat and oats.

  • Include legumes and starchy vegetables in your meals.

  • Read labels to avoid refined grains and added sugars.

17. Be Sure to Eat Healthy Fats

Incorporate unsaturated fats from fish and unrefined organic plant oils to support heart health.


  • Use olive oil for cold dishes and avocado/groundnut/rice bran oil for cooking.

  • Include fatty fish like sockeye salmon, sardines, herrings and mackerel in your diet.

  • Snack on nuts, seeds, and avocados for healthy fats.

18. Avoid Overeating

Become a mindful eater to recognise fullness cues and avoid overeating.


  • Eat slowly and savour each bite.

  • Use smaller plates to control portion sizes.

  • Listen to your body's hunger and fullness signals.

  • Avoid drinking too much liquid during your meal.

19. Go Easy on Condiments

Limit ultra-processed condiments high in added sugars and low in nutritional value.


  • Choose organic mustard, vinegar, or hot sauce instead of sugary sauces.

  • Make your own dressings and salsa using fresh ingredients.

  • Read labels to identify condiments with high sugar content.

20. Prepare Your Snacks in Advance

Healthy snacks prepared in advance can help you avoid unhealthy choices.


  • Portion out snacks like nuts, fruits, and veggies into individual servings.

  • Keep healthy options like yoghurt, hummus, and whole-grain crackers on hand.

  • Avoid buying junk food to reduce temptation.

Fitness and Activity Habits

21. Schedule Your Workouts for the Week

Planning workouts helps maintain consistency and commitment to fitness goals.


  • Set a specific time each day for exercise.

  • Vary your workouts to include cardio, strength training, and flexibility exercises.

  • Use a fitness app or calendar to track your progress.

22. Incorporate Strength Training

Strength training builds muscle, burns calories, and supports overall health.


  • Start with bodyweight exercises like squats, push-ups, and planks.

  • Gradually add weights or resistance bands as you become stronger.

  • Aim for at least two strength training sessions per week.

  • Match your routine to your abilities to keep you motivated.

23. Work on Your Balance

Balance exercises like yoga, Qi kong, and tai chi improve stability and prevent injuries.


  • Incorporate balance exercises into your routine, such as standing on one leg.

  • Practice yoga or tai chi to improve balance and flexibility.

  • Use balance tools like a Bosu ball or balance board for added challenge.

24. Aim for 10,000 Steps a Day

Walking helps improve heart health, mental well-being, and overall fitness.


  • Use a pedometer or fitness tracker to monitor your steps.

  • Take the stairs instead of the elevator.

  • Park farther away from your destination to add extra steps.

25. Get Outside Every Day

Outdoor activities boost vitamin D levels, improve mood, and reduce stress.


  • Take a walk in a park or nature trail.

  • Engage in outdoor sports or activities like cycling or hiking.

  • Spend time in your garden or outdoor space to enjoy fresh air.

  • Do not forget about forest bathing to help you reconnect with nature and keep your emotions in check.

Rest and Recovery Habits

26. Aim for Eight Hours of Sleep a Night

Adequate sleep is essential for physical and mental health, aiding in recovery and overall well-being.


  • Establish a regular sleep schedule, even on weekends.

  • Create a relaxing bedtime routine to signal your body it's time to sleep.

  • Ensure your sleep environment is comfortable and free of distractions.

27. Make Sure to Rest Your Body

Allocate rest days in your exercise routine to support muscle recovery and growth.


  • Listen to your body and rest when needed.

  • Incorporate active recovery activities like light stretching or walking.

  • Avoid high-intensity workouts on rest days to allow muscles to repair.

General Wellness Habits

28. Pay Attention to Your Posture

Good posture prevents pain and supports confidence and overall health.


  • Sit up straight with your shoulders back.

  • Use ergonomic furniture to support proper alignment.

  • Take breaks to stretch and move if you sit for long periods.

29. Stop Smoking

Quitting smoking significantly improves lung function, energy levels, and overall health.


  • Seek support from friends, family, or a smoking cessation program.

  • Use replacement therapies as needed.

  • Avoid triggers and develop new, healthy habits to replace smoking.

30. Allow Yourself Special Treats

Balance is key, so allow occasional indulgences while maintaining a healthy diet. What will it take to stick to your goal? A homemade brownie…? Then so be it. ENJOY every crumb, then go back to your “good” diet.


  • Choose high-quality nutritious treats that you truly enjoy.

  • Practice moderation and savour each bite.

  • Balance indulgences with healthy meals and regular exercise. But, do not overcontrol your body or cravings, as it will lead to emotional instability, irritability and overall unhappiness.

31. Practice Self-Compassion

Be kind to yourself during your health journey to maintain motivation and well-being.


  • Recognise and challenge negative self-talk.

  • Celebrate your progress and achievements, no matter how small.

  • Treat yourself with the same kindness you would offer a friend.

32. Avoid Procrastination

Staying productive and tackling tasks promptly can reduce stress and improve mental clarity.


  • Break tasks into smaller, manageable steps.

  • Set deadlines and hold yourself accountable.

  • Use productivity tools and techniques like time blocking or the Pomodoro method.

33. Build a Support Network

Surround yourself with supportive people who encourage your healthy habits and goals.


  • Share your goals with friends and family for accountability.

  • Join groups or communities with similar interests.

  • Seek professional support if needed, such as a coach or therapist.

34. Engage in Regular Mental Health Check-Ins

Regularly assess and address your mental health needs through self-reflection or professional support.


  • Set aside time each week for self-reflection or journaling.

  • Practice stress-relief techniques like deep breathing or meditation.

  • Reach out for professional help if you experience persistent mental health challenges.

35. Look After Your Gut

Support gut health with a balanced diet, regular exercise, and sufficient sleep.


  • Eat fibre-rich foods like fruits, seeds, nuts, and plenty of vegetables.

  • Include fermented foods like yoghurt, kimchi, and sauerkraut in your diet.

  • Stay hydrated

  • Manage stress to support overall gut health.

Your Path to Healthy Habits

Now that you know these 35 healthy habits, consider writing down your top three to focus on and start incorporating them into your daily routine. Remember, the most important habit is prioritising your health, which not only benefits you but also enables you to better support others.

Start your journey today towards a healthier, happier life.


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